Tuesday, June 29, 2010

helping kids give positive feedback through writing

Through the hustle and bustle of each day we often forget to acknowledge one another. Each one of us has special skills, talents and intelligences that we all notice but never say a word about for some reason or another. Here is a great activity that can be implemented as soon as kids are able to write. It has been successful within classroom setting or home environments.

How to help kids give positive feed back:
Material needed: Make a homemade book with blank pages inside. I can be as fancy or plain as you like! Be sure to include; blank pages, any color construction paper (the cover), scissors, pens, pencils or markers, and a stapler.
The Story Behind the Books: We all have feelings within us. Some give us warm fuzzy feelings and some give us cold prickly feelings. Talk to the kids about what situations may happen to give us feelings that may feel negative or positive. Let them know that they will be making "Warm Fuzzy" books for each other. These are books where we journal kind things to one another that will give us warm fuzzy feelings.
The Procedure: Have kids staple together homemade books with a construction paper cover. Be sure to title your book with your name. "Gina's Warm Fuzzy Book". When everyone is done be sure you may sit around a table in small groups and pass the books from left to right and write a nice compliment or comment that will give that person a fuzzy feeling. Keep going until you receive your own book back.
The Process: Once kids receive their own book they may read it privately or decide to share and read some comments aloud.
Extension: Save your books in a special place and do this activity every few months. Be sure to read it whenever you feel down or upset. Everyone loves to have fuzzy feelings!


Theresa Milstein said...

I love this idea because each kid becomes an author and each child feels special.

Barbra The Bloggess said...

It's a great way to spark and interest in books. Who doesn't like to read positive things about themselves. I actaully still have my Warm Fuzzy Book from school!